Adam provides a kitchen design for a stunning contemporary, wheelchair accessible home.
A kitchen designed for long-time client Jo Wright was featured in the Sunday Times in August, naming the project ‘Britain’s Smartest Wheelchair Accessible House’. We had worked with Jo to design her previous kitchen giving her full access to this important space, and I was delighted to be called on again to participate in the design of her kitchen in this spectacular new family home.
Special credit to Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt Architects for a stunning design, and to Motionspot who supplied and installed state-of-the-art accessible bathrooms.
As you will see in other articles on this web site, the campaign for genuine accessible design in British housing stock continues, but projects of this quality give us hope that the word continues to spread. Yes, this is a high-end project, but most design innovation starts at the top of the market, giving design features exposure so that they can become the norm and trickle through to everyday design.
The full article is available here if you have a Sunday Times subscription.
Or download a PDF of the Sunday Times article using this link.
If you have a stunning universal/accessible project in mind, do get in contact early on in the process. Positioning of doors and windows can make a critical difference to the space and accessibility that you can achieve. #adamthomas #adamthomasconsultancy #adamthomaskitchendesign #adamthomasaccessiblekitchens #accessiblekitchendesign #accessiblekitchens #disabilityrightscampaign# adamthomassundaytimes #britainssmartestwheelchairaccessiblehome